Mindfulness for Wellness
Mindfulness is a unique wellness practice, because it's something you can do anywhere, in whatever time you have, and feel immediate improvements. Making mindfulness a regular practice has significant long-term benefits. Research has shown that it can help us:
- Reduce pain (headache, migraine, back pain)
- Better manage tension and stress
- Manage weight
- Enhance focus and communication
- Strengthen the immune system
- Make decisions more effectively
- Improve breathing
- Lower blood pressure and cholesterol
Mindfulness MP3s
Try these mindfulness audio guides created by Tara Healey, Program Director for Mindfulness-Based Learning at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Periods of silence throughout these audio guides are intentional.
Guided Meditation: Bringing the body and mind together
Guided Body Scan: Moving attention to the various regions of the body
Mind the Moment
Mind the Moment is a Harvard Pilgrim Facebook Page dedicated to Minfullness. Here you will find information about Mindfullness, activities to get started and a community forum to share your experiences.
Mindfulness Links
Follow these links for general information along with tips to help you on the path to mindfulness.