Quit Smoking
These savings programs are not insurance products. Rather, they are discounts for programs and services designed to help keep members healthy and active. All programs are subject to change without advance notice. Health Plans, Inc. and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care do not specifically endorse or recommend, and make no warranties expressed or implied with respect to the programs and services offered. Some discounts may not be available in all areas.
Craving to Quit®
Save 25% on Craving to Quit. This 21-day program, developed by a Yale addiction psychiatrist, uses your smartphone to help you quit smoking. Visit Craving to Quit to sign up, then click Start the 21-day Program. Use discount code HPHCCTQ.
Save 30% on this quit smoking program, which is available as a Stop Smoking Kit and through QuitSmart Stop Smoking Classes. QuitSmart offers treatment elements, including hypnosis, medication recommendations and a patented simulated cigarette. The program was developed by Dr. Robert Shipley, founder of the Duke Medical Center Stop Smoking Clinic.
Enter voucher code HPHC to order your discounted kit. Or, call 919-644-6522 and be sure to request the Harvard Pilgrim discounted price.